Sabtu, 19 Desember 2009

Beginner in the Drummer’s World

Air drumming is good, but in order to really accomplish your ambitions of being a drummer you must enroll in drum lessons. Becoming worn-out and thwarted of just ideating the drums instead of really feeling and playing the thumping beats are hints that it’s high time to go to the next level of drum lessons.

It’s true! Anyone who wants to learn how to play drums can do it. Because all it needs is active learning and becoming a master of these casual beats and patterns. In reality, drumming is so easy. But lots of people are commonly restrained by the complicated beats the drum and drummer create. But in world, these beats are just versions of simple patterns.

But before you can fly away at the drum set, first thing’s first. One of the most fundamental lessons in drums and music is sheet reading. Yes, drums produce notes too and you will have to know how to read the sheet music in able to hit the right drum and create the right sound. There are different symbols which will be familiarized as time goes by, but sheet reading is the foundation which will enable you to play the drums.

The important focus of a newbie drum student is on how to count the beats and how to connect the subdivisions to each other. For new students, they are usually taught how to count by beating on a single drum. An easy 4/4 time is usually taught. A metronome can be used to help while tapping.

Knowing how to play with a single beat may be tedious and repetitive to some but becoming expert on these two skills is essential. As you progress, you can learn new beats, more complex moves and other drum techniques.

As they say, practice makes perfect. It might be hard to stay motivated by playing simple beats but with the drums, mastery of the two above mentioned skills is the key to becoming an excellent drummer. Students see it dull and try to push lessons, never mind that they have not mastered the fundamentals. Of course, once you determine that you are prepared for more, there are intermediate and higher lessons for more full-fledged drummers out there.

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