Sabtu, 19 Desember 2009

Learning The Guitar Online - The Facts

From absolute beginners to seasoned players, the internet has opened up a whole new media for those who wish to play the guitar. Many people today are utilizing the easy availability of online sites in order to learn to play the guitar.

The media of the streaming video has allowed people to learn from the comfort of their own front room, at any time of the day or night, whenever they like. Not only that, but it has blossomed into a huge industry - there are a massive amount of sites that you can visit that promise to teach you a very high standard of guitar tutorials. In this article, we will explore some of the advantages of the online tutorial, and some of the things that they can offer you if you are considering learning to play the guitar.

1) Its convenient

You really can learn wherever and whenever you want. Just as more and more everyday experiences are becoming more and more convenient (such as grocery shopping, for example), and learning the guitar is no different. We are lucky to live in such a time when the easy availability of goods and services is part of our social make-up.

Now you can learn for a few minutes at a time if you so wish, and even fit learning to play the guitar around other activities. Traditionally, guitar students would commute to an instructor's studio - taking into account the journey time and travel inconvenience it usually meant putting an evening or an afternoon aside for a lesson.

2) You get to choose your instructor

Instead of just taking lessons from someone who is closest to your home or more convenient for you to get to, this way you can take a look at their biographies, sample lessons and other relevant details. This is a huge advantage, as you will be learning from someone who best fits your particular needs. With the majority of online tutorial sites, you can select from a variety of instructors.

Taking lessons from two or three instructors will give you a good sense of balance and you may even learn better doing it this way - don't have to stick to just one instructor. Some of them are more hands on, whilst others favor a more visual approach, it's worth trying out different instructors to find one that best suits your learning style.

3) Flexibility

Rather than in a one-to-one situation where you often find that you can only learn what the instructor wants to teach you, you have the flexibility to choose what you learn. With an online program, you get to learn what you want to learn.

4) Affordability

The whole business premise of the online tutorial is that they can provide more lessons for less money. In order to learn to play the guitar, a lot of people don't want to spend a whole lot of money. The math is relatively simple: if 100 members of a particular site pay $10 each, then the site generates $1000. This revenue can then be used to film and produce even more lessons.

For a one-on-one instructor, you will realistically be expecting to pay something in the region of $40 per half hour lesson. Therefore, the value of the online tutorial becomes clear - you can get full membership to a lot of the sites for the same price (around $40), which will give you an almost endless amount of lessons.

The only significant downfall when it comes to online learning, is that there is no-one there to ask a question to when you get stuck. It can seem a little frustrating at times when you come across something that you don't understand. This, however, is a pretty small disadvantage when you consider all the benefits of learning to play the guitar online.

R&B Music – Huge and Popular

R&B music is huge and probably the most popular of all the music categories. Some would say that is because it covers so many sub categories of music. But, true music lovers will say it is because R&B captures people’s minds and bodies more than any other music. Rhythm and blues speaks to people more than any other music because it becomes part of the soul. Few people can listen to an R&B tune without clapping or singing along or breaking into dance. It affects almost everyone and if it doesn’t, you’re not breathing!

That infectious capability is the hallmark of R&B music. R&B was born out of the black experience in America. It quickly became the experience of everyone however as it gained popularity. The writers and artists were telling a story from their souls and they were seeking to get others to identify with their stories and feel and understand them. Of course, all the while they were having fun and taking a break from life. It certainly worked because R&B is not only popular in the US but all over the world. You would be hard pressed to find a place on earth that doesn’t know about or enjoy R&B music.

R&B music has meant different things over the decades for instance in the 1950 ‘ and 1960’s it was really more about soul music and the heavy gospel influences, in the ‘70’s it was more about funk and on into the 21st century it is really more about pop music. But, the one thing about R&B that remains timeless is its commitment to soul. No matter how you categorize R&B it has always had a discernible soul to it. An R&B song can bring back memories like no other type of music. A Marvin song or Smokey tune can bring back all sorts of pleasant thoughts and memories. Aretha Franklin’s powerful soulful voice has remained a stalwart fixture in R&B for close to six decades now.

R&B music is enduring too. A song made back in the ‘60’s is just as fresh today and will be found in any teenagers CD collection as well as their parents and grandparent’s! The cross generational appeal of R&B is better than any other music variety. It speaks to everyone and everyone listens. It is really cool when you think about the enduring legend of R&B and all of the other great musical varieties it has sparked. There are very few musicians in other categories who wouldn’t say their roots come from R&B. The masters of the last five decades have been the keystone for the artists of today. Modern R&B is chock full of older R&B influences. Rap and rock and roll are heavily influenced by R&B as it much of country music as well.

The Essentials of Buying a Used Guitar

Buying a guitar can be a sizable investment. Like other items, the better the guitar the higher the price. A cheap guitar, whether used or new, will probably disappoint you at some point in time. If the cost of a new guitar is simply out of your price range, try visiting the local pawn shops to see what they have to offer.

One thing to think about, however, if you are going to visit a pawn shop, is how knowledgeable the owner is about guitars. Does the pawn shop owner play guitar, or do they just deal in guitars for some quick cash? If you can find a pawn shop operated by an honest guitar player, you are truly in luck!

One particular place to always inspect when considering a used guitar is the spot where the heel of the neck joins the body of the guitar. A lot of tension is placed on the guitar from the strings and the weakest point is where the neck and body connect. Over time, the glue becomes loose and the neck separates from the body at the heel.

Sometimes, just leaving a guitar in a hot car trunk can soften the glue enough for this damage to take place. The bad news is that this repair is not a simple, easy job for a luthier (guitar repairman) to correct. So be sure to look carefully at this area before buying a guitar as many pawn shops do not offer any sort of guarantee for your purchase.

Look the guitar over for other signs of repairs, too. Anywhere the instrument is glued should be looked at carefully. Some acoustic and semi-hollow body guitars split around the edges of the body.

Another part to be aware of because it can wear out is the tuning machine. The tuning machines are what keeps the guitar in tune. If they are not tight or they wiggle you might want to look at another guitar. However, the tuning machine can usually be replaced without any great skill, but check on the prices for the tuning machines before you buy. You might even be able to use this as a bargaining tool to get a better price.

Brand name can indicate a high quality used instrument, but there are many well known guitar manufacturers that also produce low end guitars. So, do a little research about models. For instance, you might track down a certain model number and with some online research, find out that a guitar you thought to be only about ten years old might really be about 35 years old. Or you may find out that the name brand guitar is priced high at the pawn shop, but actually the guitar is a low end model that you could buy new for the same price.

Acoustic Guitar Dvd Lessons : The fastest way to start playing

Now, There are lots of free resources on the web to get you started such as websites like and that can help with chords and notes and such. It can be free, but that doesn't mean that it's quality information that will build you into a well rounded musician. Use your best judgment and you should be fine.

With these you can learn picking patterns that you can apply to any songs you learn. You will also be able to pick up tabs for bluegrass fiddle tunes you can learn to play on the guitar. You can sing the blues. SECOND rule: Get a GUITAR Blues accordion players just don't make it big you know? Ever heard of a blues cellist? Me neither. These days, the easiest way to do that, to start your blues guitar lessons, is to get acoustic guitar dvds lessons instead of hiring a teacher. There's probably a dozen or more other programs you can download that will show you the blues scales (or jazz scales, rock scales). They run about $20 to 50, depending on how in depth and how much you want to learn (still cheaper than hiring a tutor)

Here's a few suggestions from a wide range of artists and genres. "Big Yellow Taxi" by Joni Mitchell, "More Than Words" by Extreme, "Under The Bridge" by Red Hot Chilli Peppers, "Yellow Submarine" by The Beatles, "House Of The Rising Sun" by The Animals, "Wild Thing" by The Troggs and "Runaway" by The Corrs. These are songs that everybody in the world knows the words to, or at least they can fake it.

The guitarist could be heard playing the odd bass run but apart from that he was in the background. These are songs that everybody in the world knows the words to, or at least they can fake it. Some artists that are always popular at singalongs are James Taylor, Leonard Cohen and Greenday. Oh, and maybe Suzanne Vega. Billy Joel's "Piano Man" and "Captain Jack" are songs that get a crowd going but maybe you need some advanced skills for those, so get acoustic guitar lessons dvd

You can be as basic or as flashy as you like because the songs stand up by themselves with just basic accompaniment or you can use any of the classical guitar style arrangements that you can find in music shops. Practice doing alternate up and down strokes slowly and smoothly using a metronome to keep time. For bluegrass picking use a heavy gauge pick but as with everything, you should try different ones out till you find what's right for you. You will see and hear that a lot of bluegrass guitar playing consists of the guitarist playing bass notes and strumming in between.

Now, this is the point where practicing the guitar can be like a works for a little while, and yet you eventually fall back into the old habits that you are used to. Dieting is not what we want here. Look, you need to get yourself guitar for dummies dvds to show you the scales. They won't help your broken heart, they won't BUY you a guitar...but if you got those first two covered, then all you need to do is learn the scales right? Don't turn your guitar practice time into extended guitar solos. If you have a track of say, six minutes at your disposal, use it to practice licks and short solo breaks, the age of the twenty minute solo is long gone.

Jazz Improvisation Lessons: How To Get More Gigs Now

It goes with out saying that most cats wish they had more work, more gigs. The following are 4 extremely effective networking methods that you can put to work immediately. Obviously, your playing is the most important factor. The majority of your time and efforts should be focused on becoming the best player you can. Ability in and of itself will attract opportunity. But that not enough. Besides, having gigs is part of the learning process. Get your playing in shape and follow these simple methods for networking with musicians and soon your phone won’t stop ringing.

1 Go to Other People’s Gigs

One of the best ways to start getting more calls for gigs is to support other musicians. Whether they are your friends or acquaintances or even if you’ve never met them before, supporting their music comes with many benefits. People tend to help people who help them.

Decide ahead of time who you would like to perform with and potentially get called by. Once you have that list, follow their gigs and show up to support them. People tend to call people who they have recently seen. If you have already established a relationship with gigging musicians you can increase your own gigs rather quickly this way, just by being on the scene, being part of the hang.

2 Go on introduce yourself

The more musicians that know you and that know your playing the better, and the more gigs you’ll have. Again the key here is to be present on the scene. Chances are that at a jazz gig there will be other musicians in the audience. Get in the habit of meeting a new musician every time you attend a gig.

Now, here’s the thing. Network with the express purpose of meeting new people and developing relationships with them, not selling yourself to them. Selling yourself and talking only about yourself is a real turnoff to people that don’t know you. Don’t talk about how wonderful YOUR music is, or what a badass player YOU are. In fact, you will make a much better impression if you focus on them. Ask them questions about their music and what they’re up to. There’s nothing that people appreciate more than being listened to. Of course you want to tell them about what you do but try to focus more on them. Be sure to follow up with them as well. Email them and begin that relationship. You can write something simple like “Hey Man, Great to meet you the other night. See you on the scene.”

3 Be an Organizer

One great way to further your networking efforts is to organize sessions. Cats love to play sessions but many are simply too lazy or busy to take the time to set them up. Being the guy who organizes will have the effect of positioning you as a leader.

If you don’t have many gigs right now than fill your schedule with sessions. This also has the added benefit of being both necessary for and highly beneficial to your playing. But, be mindful of who you call for your sessions. They should be people with positive attitudes, who want to have productive sessions and whom you want to gig with. After awhile these sessions will begin to turn into gigs.

4 Stay on The Radar

Once you’ve built up a sizeable network of musicians it will be impossible to play sessions with all of them, or attend all of their gigs on a regular basis. They may simply be too busy to play sessions, or you may be. But you still need to stay on their minds.

Ask them to become your friend on facebook or another social networking site. Then keep them posted about what you’re up to. Let them know about your gigs and other projects.

Also, occasionally drop them a line, send them a text or give them a call simply to say Hi, and see what they’re up to. Stay in touch. The more genuinely interested in what they are doing the better.

4 Simple Steps To Successfully Learn Guitar

Many factors come into play when successfully learning to play the guitar. Whether you aspire to play professionally or you just want to learn for yourself, setting up the right conditions for learning and progress is absolutely essential. Let’s take a look at 4 simple steps to successfully learning to play the guitar.

1. Laying The Foundation and Understanding Chords

The first step to do anything successfully is to lay a strong foundation. Buildings collapse without a strong foundation. You wouldn’t run a marathon without training, would you? It’s no different with guitar. In order to build that foundation for successful guitar playing, the first thing you need to know is proper positioning. By this we mean sitting positions, holding positions, fret hand positions, and pick hand positions. Included in positioning is how to fret strings, how to hold the pick, positioning the guitar, etc. This may sound somewhat elementary, but the benefits of doing this correctly are numerous. You will be comfortable playing/practicing guitar; you will have minimal tension in your hands and arms. Overall, this makes guitar playing an enjoyable experience and pave the way for great playing.

The second part of the first step is understanding chords. At the most basic, chords are 3 or more notes played together. One note is the root note. The root note is the same as the chord. For example, the note A is the root note of the A chord. Certain chords sound better together than others, but we’re getting ahead of ourselves a bit. The main thing to take away is that chords are 3 or more notes played together, and they are the foundation of guitar music.

2. Tuning Your Guitar To Itself

This concept may sound confusing. Guitars need to be in tune to sound correct. There are 2 main ways to tune a guitar. You can use an electronic tuner, or you can tune your guitar to itself. Tuning the guitar to itself is a vital skill and will train your ear like no other exercise. The best part is that you start developing your ear for pitch early in your guitar playing. Believe it or not, your ear is your most valuable tool in guitar playing. Being able to recognize notes and chords by ear will give you the enviable skill of playing songs by ear.

3. Reading Guitar Tablature

Guitar tablature is a very common method of writing guitar music. It is much easier to understand than traditional music notation. Beginning guitarists are often in a state of information overload with new skills, sounds, etc. Tablature, or tab, is a way to combat the confusing nature of traditional written music. In guitar tab, there are six horizontal lines representing the 6 strings of the guitar. The numbers you will see represent the fret that should be played on that string. Also, chord diagrams are written in tabs. These chord diagrams spell out exactly which notes to play to play a certain chords. Understanding guitar tablature will make the process of successfully learning guitar simpler.

4. Chord Progressions

Once you have a working knowledge of guitar tab, you can use chord diagram tabs to learn specific chords. Chord progressions are nothing more than 2 or more chords played sequentially. For example, you may strum a D chord and then change to an A chord. This is a chord progression. Playing chord progressions will help you determine which chords go together-a benefit of your ear training from step 2. There is also a simple formula for determining which chords go together, and your ear will confirm this. Once you have three or four chords that appeal to you, or a few chords that you have mastered, practice playing them one after the other. This will enhance your chord knowledge and playing skill.

As you can see, each step builds on the previous. They also work in conjunction with each other. There are many avenues for more advanced guitar instruction, but learning these 4 simple steps will lay the best foundation possible for successfully learning to play. If any of these steps sound confusing or you’re not sure how to do certain things, check out the link in the “about the author” paragraph below. Each of these steps is explained much more thoroughly and in depth. There are lesson sections as well as audio and video checks so you can check your progress. Check out the free course and be on your way to playing like the pros.

Beginner in the Drummer’s World

Air drumming is good, but in order to really accomplish your ambitions of being a drummer you must enroll in drum lessons. Becoming worn-out and thwarted of just ideating the drums instead of really feeling and playing the thumping beats are hints that it’s high time to go to the next level of drum lessons.

It’s true! Anyone who wants to learn how to play drums can do it. Because all it needs is active learning and becoming a master of these casual beats and patterns. In reality, drumming is so easy. But lots of people are commonly restrained by the complicated beats the drum and drummer create. But in world, these beats are just versions of simple patterns.

But before you can fly away at the drum set, first thing’s first. One of the most fundamental lessons in drums and music is sheet reading. Yes, drums produce notes too and you will have to know how to read the sheet music in able to hit the right drum and create the right sound. There are different symbols which will be familiarized as time goes by, but sheet reading is the foundation which will enable you to play the drums.

The important focus of a newbie drum student is on how to count the beats and how to connect the subdivisions to each other. For new students, they are usually taught how to count by beating on a single drum. An easy 4/4 time is usually taught. A metronome can be used to help while tapping.

Knowing how to play with a single beat may be tedious and repetitive to some but becoming expert on these two skills is essential. As you progress, you can learn new beats, more complex moves and other drum techniques.

As they say, practice makes perfect. It might be hard to stay motivated by playing simple beats but with the drums, mastery of the two above mentioned skills is the key to becoming an excellent drummer. Students see it dull and try to push lessons, never mind that they have not mastered the fundamentals. Of course, once you determine that you are prepared for more, there are intermediate and higher lessons for more full-fledged drummers out there.

11 Damaging Mistakes Guitar Players Make and How To Avoid Them

Do you know how some guitar players practice most days of the week, work hard, and are passionate about their guitar playing, but they always struggle to be able to play guitar the way they want? They are frustrated because they don’t improve fast enough, begin doubting their guitar playing potential, or even feel discouraged or angry with themselves when thinking about how long it is taking them to become a better guitar player.

Can you relate to that? I sure can, I just described myself 15 years ago.

There are specific reasons why guitar players go through such frustration and disappointment. Here are 11 key mistakes guitar players make and repeat over and over again that you should definitely avoid.

1. Teaching Yourself To Play Guitar. Many people attempt to teach themselves how to play guitar. Yes, it’s true that some well known players were ‘somewhat’ self taught, but I do not suggest following that strategy even if your favorite player was self taught. If you are 100% sure that you can build powerfully effective learning and training systems on your own, that's great. However, if you are like most of us, doing it alone is the hardest, most time-consuming, stressful, and frustrating way to learn anything. This is a mistake that you should avoid. Some guitar players think it will impress others if they say, "I am a self taught guitar player". That statement might impress a few inexperienced people, but being self taught is not a 'badge of honor'. Would you rather impress others with your guitar playing or with an unimportant statement about your guitar playing? I'm not criticizing self taught guitar players, I'm only saying that there is no advantage to being self taug ht… and no, it is not true that being 'self taught' makes us more 'original'. In fact, the opposite is usually true.

2. Taking Guitar Lessons From Ineffective Guitar Teachers. Unfortunately, most electric guitar teachers receive ZERO training on how to teach guitar. What is worse is that the vast majority of teachers do little or nothing to improve their guitar teaching skills. Want some proof? Use google’s keyword tool . Type in this keyword phrase: ‘improve guitar teaching skills’, ‘guitar teaching skills’, or ‘guitar teaching training’ and you will find that less than 10 searches per month are done for these topics at google! Of course there are some highly effective electric guitar teachers around, but there are a whole lot more ineffective teachers. Here is a free resource on how to tell the difference between the good guitar teachers and the mediocre ones, free guide: how to find a guitar teacher:

3. Seeking New Guitar Information (tricks, tips, tab) Without A Proven Strategy To Reach Your Specific Musical Goals. We need information, advice, help and music to play, but without a proven strategic learning and training process that is specific to you, your skill level, your musical style and what you want to be able to do as a guitar player, information won’t get you where you want to go. It is better to first seek help in developing a customized strategy for you to become a better guitar player. After that strategy is in place, then it is time to deal with learning the right information.

4. Not Knowing Specifically What You Want To Be Able To Play. Most guitar players are not specific enough when they think about (or tell others about) what they want to be able to do with their guitar. To say, "I want to play whatever I wish to play” is too vague. How can you (or your guitar teacher) develop a specific and effective guitar training strategy unless the goals you have are specific? It's like saying you want to be a great athlete, how can you effectively train with such a vague goal? Sure there are things you can do to become faster, stronger, more flexible or whatever, but it's much easier if you first get specific such as, I want to train to be a gymnast, or a long distance runner, or a body builder. Yes you can still improve without a strategy, but it will take a lot longer and be much more frustrating. You can always change your goal later if you discover you want to do something else instead.

5. Not Enough Focus On Things That Matter Most To Making You A Better Guitar Player. Have you fallen into the trap of practicing guitar without focusing on the specific things that can quickly begin to improve your guitar playing? Many people really do not understand and apply this concept in enough detail…. for example, I have a student named Mark who used to take lessons from another teacher in the past. Mark was studying sweep picking arpeggios with his previous teacher, and was making some progress. However Mark did not understand what ‘specific’ things he needed to focus on first before attempting to master the sweep picking arpeggios he was practicing. This was holding him back and making him feel very frustrated. Mark’s previous teacher only knew how to ‘teach’ arpeggios and general sweep picking concepts. He did not really know how to “train” Mark with the specific things to focus on and how to overcome the challenges Mark was having. If you would like to see a small sample of this check out this short sweep picking video lesson:

6. Too Much Focus On Things That Are Not Core To Your Goals. In addition to not focusing on specific things, many guitar players focus on the ‘wrong things’. Some enthusiastic guitar players become temporarily obsessed with things which are distractions from other things that could be helping their guitar playing much more. Here is an example: I used to get so frustrated and angry when I could not play something perfectly, I’d lock myself in my guitar practice room and say, “I’m not coming out of this room until I master this damn lick if it takes me the next 19 hours! No breaks! No food! No human contact! I’m gonna nail this!” And I did master it. On the surface, it might seem like I was on the right track and practicing in a good way…. But in reality, I was spending my time only to stop being angry and frustrated. I was not investing my guitar practice time wisely by focusing on the things that mattered most to making a better guitar player. In other words, my perseverance was commendable, but my strategy to master important long-term goals was weak. I allowed myself to be distracted. I don’t make this same mistake anymore, and I urge you to also avoid it! Focus on the things that really matter for your guitar playing right now. If you are not sure how to do this, seek out a proven guitar teacher today.

7. Focusing On The Right Things, But in The Wrong Order. This is a common mistake that even many advanced guitar players make which causes a lot of wasted time and frustration. Imagine you want to improve your ability to create your own cool guitar solos. Let’s assume that you are advanced enough to truly understand all the primary and secondary elements of composing guitar solos (or you have a guitar teacher to help you). Each of the many elements need to be learned and/or practiced in order to easily create awesome solos that you like. Where should you begin? What should you focus on first, second, third? Which of these things should you practice simultaneously? There is always a specific order in which musical skills should be learned and mastered in order to EXPLODE your musical skills. Unfortunately, that order is totally different for every person, style of music, musical goal, skill set and knowledge, so giving an example here would be pointless. My advice, find the b est teacher you can and study with him/her in order to be able to do what you want to do with your guitar much faster and easier.

8. Not Isolating Problem Areas. Few guitar players are aware of the small things that hold them back in big ways. Because these little imperfections seem insignificant to us, we often ignore them. The truth is, small hinges open big doors. In the video mentioned above I explained how allowing your guitar pick to lose its momentum when you are ‘not picking’ a note on the guitar makes your playing slow and sloppy…. which will make you feel very frustrated. This is why I was sure to make a special point to help you avoid that mistake. Check out the small sample sweep picking video for more details: .

9. Learning And Practicing Guitar In A Step By Step Linear Process. Does following a linear step by step approach to learning, practicing and mastering guitar seem like common sense good to you? Yes it does… And that is why guitar players who follow such a path are NOT great guitar players. I’m going to let you in an insider’s secret… The truth is, following a linear approach to learning guitar, practicing guitar, and mastering guitar is the NUMBER ONE REASON WHY “GOOD GUITAR PLAYERS” STRUGGLE TO BECOME “GREAT GUITAR PLAYERS”… I originally thought I would write an article on this one point alone, but I think you will learn this concept better in another short video I recorded while I was doing a recent guitar instructional clinic tour a few months ago. Check out this free sample from my clinic on how to practice guitar .

10. Practicing Guitar In The Same Way Your Favorite Guitar Players Practice Guitar. Have you ever read about how your favorite guitar players practice guitar and then tried to repeat the same practice routine? Yes, I’ve made this mistake too! It seems natural to use a similar guitar practice schedule that our favorite guitar players are using. This is a mistake, because your current guitar skill level and knowledge of music is probably very different from your favorite player. His/her challenges and needs are likely not the same as yours.

Professional guitar players practice for different reasons than most amateur players do. For example, before recording a new album I will practice very differently compared to the period before going on tour. Once I’m actually on tour my practice routine changes drastically again. The rest of the year my practicing schedule changes yet again. This happens because in each case my challenges and goals are totally different. When my guitar students ask me, “Tom, how do you practice guitar?” I’m careful not to let my students assume that they should practice the same way that I do. Your practice schedule and strategy needs to be built around YOU and you only! If you need help building your own practice schedule, email me directly.

11. Learning From Too Many Different Sources Of Information. There will always be many learning opportunities and various paths to take, but it is critical that you do not get distracted into following a piece of advice from one person, then another piece of advice from another person and then follow more resources from somewhere else and so on and so on... while different people may have some good ideas to offer, the fact is, distraction is a big reason why many guitar players who are actively learning, don't really move forward quickly... these people are always busy following totally different resources, teachers, philosophies, instructional videos, free online guitar lessons, but all of this leads them to take one step forward, then 2 steps to the right, then one step forward, then 3 steps to the left, then one step backward, then two to the right, then 1 step forward and then another step to the left...

Master and Learn Guitar - Revealed: Introduction To 4 Kinds of Guitar Harmonics

Let’s take a look at 4 basic kinds of harmonics that will help you to master and learn guitar.

1. Open string harmonics
2. Pick harmonics
3. Tap harmonics
4. Thumb pick harmonics

1. Open string harmonics: By far the easiest kind of guitar harmonics that you can learn how to play are what are called open string harmonics. Open string harmonics are when you lightly place your finger over your guitar strings. You can play all of your guitar strings at once, or, you can play individual open string harmonics. The best open string harmonics are found on the 12th fret, seventh fret, and the fifth fret. There are other open strings harmonics all throughout the guitar, however, these three fret areas are by far the easiest to find and play on your guitar.

2. Pinch harmonics: Pinch harmonics are individually pinched notes on the guitar. You can choose either your open strings, or any note found throughout the guitar fretboard. With your right hand holding the guitar pick, you will take the tip of the guitar pick and pinch your guitar strings. This pinching action will produce a harmonic. For starters, practice your pinch harmonics on Strings 6, 5, and 4.

3. Tap harmonics: Tap harmonics are the hardest of all harmonic guitar styles to play. Played correctly and you will have a very sonically rich sounding guitar. The great thing with tap harmonics is that you can play individual notes or full fingered chords. With your left hand place your fingers on the note or chord that you want to play. With your right hand first finger you will be tapping individual notes or striking the guitar fretboard with all of your first finger like a long flat stretched out hammer. With your first finger you will be tapping an octave higher from where your left hand finger placement is located. For example, if the note you are playing is on the six string, third fret, you’re right first finger will strike the 15th fret, sixth string.

4. Thumb pick harmonics: Another single note harmonic style that you can utilize is a combination of your right thumb and first finger. Choose your single note or chord with your left hand. Next, place your right finger an octave higher lightly on top of the string, above the fret board. Use your right thumb as a pick. Pluck the note keeping your right hand fingering position. Thumb pick harmonics are an expansion of open string harmonic technique.

Sabtu, 05 Desember 2009

The Grizzly Bears Do It Again with Veckatimest

Grizzly Bear have never been about hype. Their last full-length album, Yellow House, seemed to virtually come out of nowhere to wide acclaim from fans and critics alike. Yet, even on the heels of what many people considered to be the best record of 2006, they toured very modestly, playing bars so small that they could barely fit their equipment through the door, while helping bring exposure to friends such as Dirty Projectors.

Things have changed since then, and the four lads have seen themselves open up for top-tier acts such as Feist and Radiohead. Regardless, Grizzly Bear have remained humble, and it's not their fault that Veckatimest may in fact be the most hyped record of the year so far.

This album is better then anyone ever expected it to be. Veckatimest, takes the lush components we loved from Yellow House and brings them to new heights. Vocal harmonies from songs like "Two Weeks" and "While You Wait For The Others" are reminiscent of Yellow House favorites "Knife" and "Easier". If you were a fan of the Yellow House orchestral sound then you will certainly enjoy Veckatimest.

Their approach to song on this album has greatly changed since Yellow House. Meandering qualities were replaced with pop sensibility and almost every track can be a hit on their own. Although these songs would do well independently from the album that is not how they were meant to be heard. Grizzly Bear created the album as a cohesive unit that should be listened to from song one all the way to the last song on the album.

While there is no telling what exactly is next for Grizzly Bear, it's safe to say that the release of this record will solidify their rightfully earned place as one of the most forward thinking modern rock acts in the pool. Let's just hope we don't have to wait for another three years for their next masterpiece to bubble up to the surface.

Learn To Play Guitar Right From Home

You can learn to play guitar right from the comfort of your own home. Once you learn how to play the guitar, you will also understand the concept of playing other musical instruments as well.

It is not difficult to learn to play the guitar. Like any other type of lesson, you have to take it one step at a time. The first thing that at home lessons will teach you is to get familiar with the guitar, understand how to tune the guitar and then learn the basic chords. A guitar is one of the easiest instruments to play. You can pick up a used guitar and get started with your at home lessons. With an electric guitar, you are putting out more money and also need an amplifier, but with an acoustic, it’s just you and the guitar.

By learning at home, you can see if you have a knack for this instrument and then move up to other guitars. You will get to know the sounds of the guitar as you play along with CD’s and DVD lessons in an at home program.

The most important concept you have to understand when you want to learn to play guitar, or any other instrument for that matter, is that you have to practice. Good musicians are those who have a passion for music and want to learn to play. The more you practice playing the guitar, the better you will become at mastering this instrument. If you really want to learn how to play the guitar, you can do so by using a learn at home lesson package.

Learn at home lesson packages cost a fraction of what you would expect to pay for guitar lessons at a local music shop. Instead of having to spend hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars with private lessons, you can have your own private lessons, right in the comfort of your own home, and get expert training. You only need to purchase a guitar and an at -home guitar package to learn to play guitar and you will be on your way to being a guitarist. Whether or not you are a good guitarist is up to you and the time you invest in lessons, practice and learning to master the instrument.

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Guitar Practice And Me

If you are learning to play the guitar, or you are a seasoned player, then you will understand how integral to you becoming a better player the practice actually is. The realization of the importance of guitar practice comes to every student as they begin to play.

Despite this, many people find it increasingly difficult to fit the practice schedules into their everyday routines. In today’s society, where we are busier than ever, guitar practice can often be shunted to one side in place of more seemingly relevant pursuits. Even children find it difficult to fit practice time in amongst all their schooling and extra-curricular activities.

It may sound very over-simplified to say that you have to make guitar practice a priority if you want to improve as a player. Many people will argue that that is an impossible task with the amount of chores that need to be done in the majority of people’s busy and hectic lifestyles, but that is really the bottom line here.

The first step to prioritizing your guitar practice is to ask yourself how important it is to you. Consider it against all of the other things that you feel are ‘priorities’ in your life, and ask yourself how important it is to you that you practice in order to become a better player. Just by completing this relatively simple step you may find that there are things on your list of ‘priorities’ that don’t mean as much to you as your guitar practice, and yet you sacrifice the playing of a wonderful instrument in order to do them.

You may think that it is one of your priorities to get a bigger house. In your mind’s eye, you will have a specific goal in mind – a bigger living space – and therefore you are more driven to achieve that goal. The priority of this in your lifestyle becomes even more pronounced. When we prioritize something in our lives, the level of commitment that we are able to give to it often depends on the goals that we associate with it.

And guitar playing is no different. Think of the level or the standard that you are currently playing, and then think of the standard of which you would like to play. If you have a specific end result in mind, then it becomes a lot easier to fit your guitar practice into your time. To make it even more definitive, think of how you feel when you achieve a goal that you have set yourself, and keep this mind when you think about your goals for playing the guitar.

The long and short of it is, that if you practice on a regular basis, then you will find that the standard of your playing will increase exponentially. With this goal in mind, think again of how much of a priority your guitar practice actually means to you.

The best guitarists in the world all have one thing that they hold in common: they made practice a top priority. The guitar really is one of the most difficult instruments to learn to play well, and playing properly to a decent standard requires a high level of determination and commitment. Think of the times when you practice as necessary, almost like school or work.

One of the most important aspects of learning to play the guitar is that is has to be fun! It really is a great challenge – but it is also supposed to be enjoyable. If you look upon your guitar practice as recreation instead of a chore, you’ll find it’s much easier to allocate appropriate time to it.

Buying A New Guitar – A Guide

If you have decided to buy your first guitar, then the overall choice that is available can often seem overwhelming! What should you be looking at when it comes to styles, colors, makes and models? You have probably asked yourself – which one is right for me, and how on earth do I choose?

If you are in the position of looking to buy a guitar, then the following questions are the ones that you really should be asking yourself. The sad fact of the matter is that many people they end up spending a lot more money than they need to, and many people end up with what they thought was a great deal that turns out to be complete rubbish.

What is the type of music that I am looking to play?

Examine your particular tastes and which type of music you are interested in learning. For those who have more of a tendency to rock and roll or jazz, then an electric guitar is probably going to be best for you. If you are looking to strum along to a more tuneful style, then you should be looking into getting an acoustic instrument. Whatever kind of music you like, the basic skills that come into playing the guitar are pretty much the same. The guitars, however, are different – they are built with a particular style in mind.

What is my level of expertise?

• For the beginner it’s a good idea to look at a classical or an electric guitar. These tend to be easier on the fingers to begin with, and thus easier to learn on.

• For the more experienced player it really comes down to what kind of music you want to play, as well as price and style. You should consider what you are trying to achieve – for example are you looking to improve your current style or expand your repertoire?

What is ‘tonal quality’?

Tonal quality, is, quite simply, the unique sound of the individual guitar. Does that sound suit you and your style of playing? Each guitar is different, so strum it and listen carefully to the noise that it makes.

What is the ‘action’’?

The action is the placement of the strings on the fretboard. The placement of the strings will affect the playability of the guitar – too high and the strings become more difficult to press down and therefore affect the tempo of your playing. On some guitars they are set high, on others you’ll find they are lower. Too low and there will be a lot of interference on the frets which causes a buzzing sound as you play.

Is the neck straight?

You should see more or less straight away whether the neck is straight or crooked. If there is even a slight bend in the neck it will hinder the intonation of the instrument, and at different points chords will sound different. It’s a really easy thing to check, but is still missed by a lot of people. All you need to do is hold the guitar and look along the edge.

Does the neck fit in my hand?

When a craftsman builds a guitar, they vary the shape and size of the neck to suit the variability of the players’ hands. It’s a really good tip to make sure that the neck fits snugly into your hand. Try and find one that feels like it was built for your particular size hand in mind. The thin necks are usually more suitable for smaller hands, but thicker necks tend to be stronger.

How much can you afford?

You shouldn’t really be thinking about spending a massive amount of money on a new guitar if you are a beginner. Look at exactly how much you have to spend, and then make sure you keep to it. Looking at models that you can’t afford is a waste of time and will only make you confused. Upgrading is easy when you have practiced for a while and you have a better idea of what style of music you want to play.

Getting it right, and getting it right from the very beginning is absolutely vital. Get it right, and you have a much better chance of succeeding in your musical quest. Buying a guitar based solely on what it looks like as it hangs in the shop is a recipe for disaster – you will get it home only to find that it does not even come close to fitting your needs. Relegation to the corner of the living room or the loft will probably ensue! Buying a guitar is like making an investment – an investment into your own musical future.

How Could Chickenfoot Possibly Not Rock!

Representations of Rock, also known as: Hagar, Van Halen, Chili Peppers, and Satriani. What happens when you put these rock monsters in the same sandbox? Out pops Chickenfoot. Sammy Hagar is the mad scientist behind this idea. As if he wasn't busy enough playing guitar, writing music and singing vocals.

Although he did sing with Van Halen for a while, Hagar is primarily well known as a solo rocker. Chickenfoot is not his first grouping of super rockers. Hagar, Shon, Aaronson, and Shrieve, known as HSAS was brought together by him in the mid-eighties. Although these guys were from such greats as Santana and Foghat, Chickenfoot is far and away more exciting than that crew.

Hagar pilfered bassist Michael Anthony from Van Halen. From The Red Hot Chili Peppers drummer, Chad Smith jumped ship. And lastly his highness of the guitar, Joe Satriani. This first album spins out awesome rock talent tempered with an easy vivaciousness.

After all this time in the business these guys know how to stay light and have a good time. The excellent sound and danceable beat really work on "Sexy Little Thing" and "Oh Yeah". It makes you want to hop up and do some wigglin".

Chad Smith's extra large personality and his supercharged energy move his drumming into convulsive, eruptive power, according to Joe Satriani. The drums forcefully nail the muscular vocals and the wailing guitar tightly together.

Chickenfoot, released June 5, 2009, is musical attunement at its most powerful. This is not Chili Peppers, Van Halen or even a Satriani album. These rockers have blended their styles successfully. If you liked them separately then you will appreciate what they have made together.